
Able, Gifted and Talented Policy

Accesiblility policy 

Anti-bullying Policy

Anti-bullying Policy appendices

Assessment and recording policy

Attendance Policy

Anti Fraud Theft Bribary and corruption Policy

Behaviour Policy

Best Value Statement

CCTV policy 2024

Charging and Remissions Policy

Children who cannot attend due to health needs policy

Collective Worship Policy 

Consent Policy 

Complaints Policy

Data Breach Policy

Data Protection Policy

Data Subject Rights Policy

Drugs Education Policy

EAL Policy

Early Years Intimate Care Policy

ECT policy

Equality Policy

Exclusion Policy

EYFS Policy

Food in School Policy

Freedom of Information Policy

Health and Safety Policy 2023

Home Learning Policy (Homework)

Home School Agreement with Respect Charter

Inclusion Policy

Instrument of Government

Intimate Care Policy 24

Lettings Policy 2023

Lettings Form

Looked After Children Policy

Lone Working and personal safety policy 

Managing Medical Conditions in Schools Policy

Manual Handling Policy 2023

Marking and Feedback Policy

Mobile Phone Use Policy 2023

Online Safety Policy

Organisation of the school day 

Parent and Visitor Behaviour Policy (Respect Policy)

Promoting British Values Policy

PSHE & Citizenship Policy

Publication Scheme

Pupil Premium Policy

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Religious Education Policy 2023

Religious Practice and Faith Policy

Reporting Low Level Concerns Policy

Respect Charter

Safeguarding Policy

School visits and journeys policy

Smoke Free Policy

Spiritual, Moral Social and Cultural Education Policy

Teaching and Learning Policy

Volunteers In School Policy

Young Carers Policy 2023

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