Curriculum & Year Group Expectations

Children's Version of Targets.jpg

We have an exceptional knowledge of our children. We have developed a bespoke broad and balanced curriculum, which is tailored to their needs and which gives them the skills and knowledge to foster a love of learning and become life-long learners. We enthusiastically create and embrace opportunities to enhance learning so that it is engaging and memorable for all children.

At Mersey Vale we celebrate and utilise our rich, diverse community to learn in partnership and ‘work together for a brighter future’.


                                                We aim to provide all children at Mersey Vale with a curriculum which is…


                                                                                  contains Valuable knowledge

                                                                      and ensures the Progression

                                                                                            of Skills


Year Group Expectations for English & Mathematics and Curriculum Maps



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Further information can be obtained through an appointment with our Curriculum Leader, Mrs. Edwards.



Early reading, including the teaching of systematic synthetic phonics, fluency and understanding, is taught in school following the Read Write Inc programme from Summer Term in Nursery through to Year One or Year Two until children have completed the scheme.  The programme ensures children learn to read and write sounds quickly and confidently.and provides children with books to read in school and at home which are closely matched with their phonic ability. Regular half termly assessments ensure children are able to progress through the scheme quickly.  The 'three read' approach of Read Write Inc books in school and at home ensures children have the opportunity to develop their 'Story Voice' which helps develop fluency and understanding. 

For children in Year Two and above we mainly follow the Collins Big Cat Reading Scheme which provides children with a range of exciting fiction and non-fiction books to read at home. We encourage all children to continue reading with and developing their 'Story Voice' and for children working on their fluency and understanding we pomote the three read approach of the Big Cat reading books also.

In School we use VIPERS questioning from Year Two to Year Six to help children develop their understanding of texts and we regularly model the 'Story Voice'  providing reading activities within English lessons to ensure children make the leap from decoding words to reading fluently with understanding.

Teaching children the skills to become confident readers is one way of promoting enjoyment of reading and we strive to ensure our children develop a love of reading whilst at Mersey Vale. Further to this our class libraries promote recommended reads and these are updated termly with new fiction and non-fiction texts-often chosen by the children themselves. We read exciting class texts daily to the children and we provide regular workshops for them with real life authors. The children's involvement in World Book Day and theme weeks such as 'Brilliant Books' week ensures that the vital responsibilty of teaching a love of reading remains a focus for Mersey Vale.  

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