Year 6 2024 - 2025

Mr Kingsley

Year 6 – Mersey Vale Primary School

Welcome to our Year Six Class at Mersey Vale!

Year 6 is an exciting time at Mersey Vale! As you begin your final year at primary school, we will share our journey with regular updates through our Class Story on Class Dojo, so please make sure you are connected.

Please read see the presentation (at the bottom of the page) from our Y6 'Meet the Teacher' for more information about the school day and our classroom routines.

We hope you find the information on this page useful, but if you have any unanswered questions, please contact a member of the Year 6 team via Class Dojo, or through the school office.

Kind regards,

The Year 6 Team

Who’s Who?

In Year 6 you will be taught by Mr. Kingsley, with daily support from Ms. Blair

The Curriculum

At Mersey Vale, we are proud to follow a curriculum personalised to our learners linked to the National Curriculum. The Year 6 Maths is linked to the White Rose Maths scheme and the English is linked to the Literacy Tree Curriculum. To enrich the curriculum we use a range of online resources, such as Learning By Question.More information can be found using the link below. Throughout the year we have many exciting opportunities to enrich our learning with theme weeks. Some children in Year 6 receive additional small group or one-to-one support from the class teacher or teaching assistants to consolidate their learning, especially when undertaking Maths and English.

For information about the Year 6 curriculum this year, please click on this link:

Year 6 Curriculum Map (see link at bottom of the page)



Weekly Maths and English Homework is given on a Friday to be returned the following Thursday. Weekly spellings are given on a Monday to be returned and tested on the Friday of the same week. The children recieve table points for homework returned on time.


National Curriculum Tests (SATs)

At the end of Key Stage 2, pupils take national curriculum assessments in English Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar; English Reading and Mathematics. These tests are on dates scheduled by the Standards and Testing Agency. For this acdemic year, the tests will take place from Monday 12th May 2025 to Thursday 15th May 2025.

For more information regarding these assessments, the DfE have produced this leaflet. Mr Kingsley is also able to answer any questions you may have. 


How could you support your child at home?

Complete and return homework on time 

Weekly spellings practise

10 minutes daily reading 

Complete LBQ Maths online activities

Practise timestables

Postitive wellbeing including: outdoor activities, sport and hobbies 

CGP Year 6 workbooks

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) definitions (see link at the bottom of the page)

How to support your child's reading at home

Y6 Maths Curriculum Overview (see link at the bottom of the page)


Year 5/6 Words

Common Exception Words for Years 5 and 6

There are lots of key words children need to be able to spell by the end of Year Six in addition to spelling rules and patterns they are learning. Each week children will be set spellings to learn and tested on a Friday.

 Alongside being able to spell these words, children will be using these within their work to enhance the meaning of their writing.

Useful Links


National Curriculum Assessments: Information for parents

Vocabulary, Conjunctions, Openers and Punctuation


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